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Climate Risk

CreditSmart® Climate Ready

Learn how and what types of climate events, such as natural disasters and weather events, may affect you and actions you can take to protect your home and finances.

Flooded neighborhood within a computer screen

Understanding climate risk and how it affects you

Gain an understanding of climate risk and climate hazards, and how they can affect your home and your finances.

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What is your climate risk?

Learn which climate hazards you are more likely to face based on where you live, your community’s resilience measures and when your home was built.

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Homes on mountainside with trees on fire

What can you do to manage your climate risk?

Use these checklists to take actions to upgrade, maintain and prepare your home to better withstand floods, strong winds, wildfires, and extreme heat and cold. Also, learn how insurance and an emergency fund can help protect your finances following a weather event.

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Repair worker surveying the roof of a home in a wooded area