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How to buy a home with Homebuyer U

Learn everything you need to know about the homebuying process with this free, self-paced online course.

You’ll learn this and more

  • The basics of creating a budget and managing your money to save for a down payment
  • How to build, improve and maintain good credit to qualify for a mortgage
  • How to apply, select and close on a mortgage
  • How to protect your home investment and achieve homeownership success

Completion of this course satisfies the educational requirements to qualify for select Freddie Mac mortgages that make homeownership more affordable.

You’ll learn this and more

  • The basics of creating a budget and managing your money to save for a down payment
  • How to build, improve and maintain good credit to qualify for a mortgage
  • How to apply, select and close on a mortgage
  • How to protect your home investment and achieve homeownership success

Completion of this course satisfies the educational requirements to qualify for select Freddie Mac mortgages that make homeownership more affordable.

Six learning modules

A step-by-step guide to get you through the homebuying process

Self-paced and convenient

Work on a timeline that fits your schedule

Qualify for select mortgages

Receive a certificate to qualify for Freddie Mac’s HomePossible® and HomeOne® loans upon completion

The ‘Spending Plan’ and ‘Are You Ready to Buy a Home’ courses really helped me plan for becoming a homeowner. I also enjoyed ‘Preserving Homeownership’. This helped me make the decision to have an emergency fund available for unforeseen issues that would normally be taken care of by a landlord.
Nancy Butzen
I was able to retain the information because of the very detailed breakdown of each topic. By the end of the course, I felt very empowered, educated and definitely prepared to move forward with the homebuying process.
Crystal Sutton

About CreditSmart

CreditSmart is a suite of online educational resources designed to help people build and grow financial confidence during any stage of their financial journey.

Freddie Mac developed CreditSmart to further its mission of providing greater access to housing. It was created in collaboration with historically black colleges and universities, housing professionals and Hispanic and Asian nonprofit organizations.

a young couple sitting on a couch laughing

CreditSmart is a suite of online educational resources designed to help people build and grow financial confidence during any stage of their financial journey.

Freddie Mac developed CreditSmart to further its mission of providing greater access to housing. It was created in collaboration with historically black colleges and universities, housing professionals and Hispanic and Asian nonprofit organizations.